Tuesday 6 November 2007

A Plea for Moderation

Comment posted on the Autumn Watch comment site

May I ask that you think very, very carefully before so thoroughly approving of, and endorsing the return of beaver to the wild in Britain, especially without showing both sides of the story with regard to this animal?
There are proposed trial areas in the North Knapdale area of Mid Argyll. Many locals believe that this will adversely affect the existing delicate eco system and unique habitat for which this area is renowned.
As well known 'wildlife celebrities' I feel that you might perhaps broadcast a balanced view and point out that they are not just cute & cuddly, tummy scratching mammals.
We have serious concerns, fears and feel real anguish at the thought of the devastation that could be wreaked on Knapdales beautiful countryside, the untold and irreversible damage these creatures could cause.
The beaver diary mentions that “they have a natural instinct to control water levels and block leaks” one of the proposed release sites is the feeder reservoir lochan for the Crinan Canal, there are serious concerns that this will cause flooding to local properties. Also a reference to the damage they do to surrounding woodlands “busy felling another tree in the night”. Once they have felled the trees within in 50meters of their existing lodge they move on to another area and do the same wanton destruction again. This has a major impact on existing habitats, habitat that has never seen beaver and will never see rare water lilies, dragon flies, and many, many other species of flora and fauna, rare & common again.
Contact us via this blogspot: http://beaverboycott.blogspot.com or by emailing beaverboycott@hotmail.co.uk. There is a lot of well researched information about Beavers on this site.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to express my concerns.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.